The Maestro Bistro Plus returns! This time, it’s part of the Downeast (Virtual) Country Dance festival. Register for the Bistro and get access to the entire festival!
Benjamin Foss – Intro to GDAD Tuning
We’ll take a look at this magical open tuning from an accompaniment standpoint, learn some chord options, and possibly learn a jig that fits into the smaller range of GDAD. Open to any fretted instrument you can tune to GDAD! Mandolin, bouzouki, tenor guitar, use whatever you have!
Elsie Gawler – “Fiddling Cellos”
Are you a cellist who’s wanting to learn more fiddle tunes?! Come join this workshop with Elsie Gawler where we’ll learn a cello friendly fiddle tune or two! We’ll also explore the unique place that cellos have in the world of traditional fiddle music.
Alden Robinson – Fun with Bowed Triplets
Those crunchy little three-note bowed ornaments … just three little bowstrokes on one note. Simple, easy to learn, but you can spend years getting them “just so”. We will work on a simple Irish reel (“The Ashplant”) with many good triplet opportunities. Then we’ll talk about how to get a good “crunch” in the triplets … how do you set your bowing up for success? We’ll listen to some different triplet styles from around the world. And we’ll talk about what other ornaments you could use if you catch yourself overdoing it.
Zoom In
The DE(V)CDF will take place in one large Zoom call, using breakout rooms for workshop spaces. You should make sure to update your Zoom software ahead of time to ensure compatibility.