A note from Greg Boardman: We would just like to tell you about the upcoming Maine Country Dance Fiddle Workshop this February 13, 2021. We are still negotiating for a hall in which to invite the first five registrants of each group, advanced, intermediate and beginner, to do the live portion of the workshop (wearing masks and keeping our distance, of course). Simultaneously, the entire workshop will go out on Zoom and thus involve as many folks as care to participate.
The order of the day has Greg Boardman leading the advanced session at 1, Ellen Gawler with the intermediates at 2 and Kaity Newell with the beginners at 3. At four o’clock, in lieu of the usual contradance featuring all of the workshop tunes we will conclude with a big dance orchestra-style jam with the same musical material.
The cost for the workshop is $25. Registration, pdfs of the tunes and sound files are available from Greg Boardman, at [email protected]. Folks who would prefer hard copies and cds will be accomodated. Payment can be made by paypal to the same email, or by mailing a check made out to the Maine Country Dance Fiddle Workshop to Greg Boardman, 443 College Street, Lewiston ME 04240. Thanks to all, in hopes we all stay safe and healthy, while keeping our music alive as best we can! -Greg