Virtual Maine Fiddle Camp
View Workshop Recordings
Virtual MFC has wrapped up for the year, but recordings live on! Most workshops were recorded. You can browse by group or by date.
You can also checkout instructor recordings and handouts.
The Old Time (Virtual) Variety Show – June 11th
Your Talented Virtual Staff
Here’s who’s teaching at V-MFC for this season of workshops. Specific instructors will rotate month-to-month:
Buffleheads (Advanced Fiddle) Éric Favreau, Ellen Gawler, Ed Pearlman
Loons (Intermediate Fiddle) Elaine Malkin, John Pranio, Jessie Boardman, Elizabeth Anderson
Eagles (Beginner Fiddle) Maggie Robinson, Mia Friedman, Helen Newell
Boom Chickadees (Piano) Doug Protsik, Neil Pearlman, Alex Fortier.
Cuckooleles (Ukulele) Kenny Raskin, Nina Miller
Thumbingbirds (Clawhammer Banjo) Jennifer Armstrong
Woodpickers (Mandolin) Baron Collins-Hill, Glen Loper, Noah Fishman
Martins (Guitar) Fred White, John Pranio, Isa Burke, Dan Faiella
Whistlers (Flute & Whistle) Sharon Pyne, Sandy Davis, Nicole Rabata.
Cello Bellied Sapsuckers (Cello…) Elsie Gawler, McKinley James, Daniel Hawkins.
Warblers (Singing) Bennett Konesni, Mia Bertelli
Thunder Pumpers (Bass) Stuart Kenney
Dulcimergansers (Mountain Dulcimer) Pam Weeks
Puffins (Harmonica) Steven Weiss.
Reedwinged Blackbirds (Button Accordion) Jim Joseph.
Additional MFC staff members will undoubtedly show up in Specialty Workshops
Instructor materials
Some staff members post handouts, sheet music, and other materials for campers to use between session. You can find those here. (We may eventually put these on their own pages, if there get to be a lot of them.)
Whistlers (Sharon Pyne): “I Was Born for Sport” (Jig)
Cukooleles (Kenny Raskin): Chord shapes for Ukulele