A tune by Doug Protsik
Sheet Music

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A tune by Doug Protsik
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Traditional English melody.
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Composed by Bob McQuillen in 2008.
Doug says:
Having Bob Mac at MFC was at real treat, and I’ll never forget the image of his van parked right next to the Main Tent. Piano has always been an important part of MFC and so crucial for playing for dances and accompanying fiddle tunes. I was one of many he honored by composing a tune in their name, and I am so happy I was able to keep track of this scrap of sheet music paper he trust into my hand as he was leaving camp for the last time back in 2008, and I want to share it with the community, so give it a try! -Doug
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Up to speed recording:
Slowed down recording:
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Up to speed recording:
Slow recording:
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As has always been the case, we offer fiddle, piano, guitar, mandolin, ukulele, cello, flute and whistle, banjo, bass, singing, at all sessions PLUS mountain dulcimer June week, harmonica second August week, piano accordion AND button accordion June Weekend, June Week, and 1st August week. (Some small changes possible.)
Maine Fiddle Camp focuses on the traditional dance music of the Scots-Irish, French-Canadian, and Scandinavian traditions as they’ve evolved in Maine. Our large staff of traditional musicians play and teach all the instruments mentioned above and more, in workshops, performances, jams, song swaps, and dances. Click HERE for a typical camp schedule.
Maine Fiddle Camp is a multi-generational, outdoor, lakeside, summer camp experience on in Central Maine. A trad music camp for all ages and abilities, it is not unusual to have campers aged 7 and 70 playing together on stage at the same time!! Campers stay in rustic bunkhouse cabins or in their own tents or RVs. Youths either stay in cabins or in tents or campers with their families. All campers have convenient access to bathrooms and hot showers. Good music and good food are elegantly combined at MFC. The wholesome meals and snacks are eaten outdoors under the main dining tent, and classes are held in “nests” named after Maine birds, also held mostly outdoors. Mornings and early afternoons are spent in classes, with campers grouped by ability for small group instruction. Later afternoons offer time for special interest workshops, to practice on your own or with a friend, or for non-musical fun such as games and swimming. In the evenings, there is singing around the campfire, plus concerts, an old time country dance, and an “old time variety show” featuring performances by both staff and campers, all under the big tent. There are usually 3 guided jam sessions in the evenings and MANY other activities. Spontaneous jams are apt to happen almost anywhere, at any time, as campers enjoy swapping tunes and sharing the music they are learning in their classes. Plus bring your HORN!! The Great Horned Ukestra will be back, and while it’s not an official camp nest, we practice every afternoon and have a gig every night for the dance. Horns of all types (sax, trombone, coronet, trumpet, clarinet, tuba, MORE…) were very much a part of the country dance orchestras back in the day. We’ve added Ukuleles too!! Come join the fun!
Musicians of all ages and ability levels are welcome at Maine Fiddle Camp. Children under twelve must be accompanied by an adult. A weekend or week at Maine Fiddle Camp makes a great family vacation. Rates are affordable—it’s twice the camp for half the price! Scholarships are available. Space is limited and early registration is encouraged. Tunes are taught by ear, in the traditional manner. Prior to each year’s first session, a new collection of tunes is posted on the MFC web site in both sound recording and sheet music formats and campers are encouraged to take advantage of this valuable resource year-round. Volunteer help is always welcome! For more info, visit the MFC website HERE. Want o see what all the fuss is about? Visit the MFC YouTube channel HERE.
One feature we did not have last year was the appearance of “special secret surprise guests”, but they will be BACK in 2023! (I’d tell you who but it’s a secret!) All this is part of Maine Fiddle Camp, where you get (let’s hear it!…) TWICE THE PROGRAM AT HALF THE PRICE! We’d love to hear from YOU too! If you have some suggestions or comments, contact Doug or Jo-Anne. If you have something good to say about Maine Fiddle Camp, think about writing a testimonial and sending it in..
OK, so this makes you want to sign up, right? Here’s the link to the reg
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We lost Ben Guillemette, his having preceded everyone reading this to the heavenly dance band at age 95.
I first met Ben when he showed up with “Toots” Bouthot (our Joanne’s father!) in 1975 to compete at the East Benton Fiddlers’ Convention. We young upshot fiddlers knew we were listening to fiddling and piano accompaniment gravitas, a major cut above anyone else who took the stage (a flatbed trailer in front of the Littlefield farm blacksmith shop) that day. I remember his playing as having that indescribable dynamic of a technique that comes from a special dedication, and feeling that comes from a deep engagement with his own being and inheritance, both cultural and universal.
He was, in fact, too good for the judges that day, and asI remember, “lost” to Dave Livingston’s soulful jiggery–soulfulness of a different sort, for sure. Ben’s gracefulness was not slow to shine after that, and we all soon learned of the generosity he had along with his intensity, a dynamic we learned to savor in his company as a mentor and friend. He was the real deal, as a human being and carrier of traditional French music, which he in turn enriched with his truly catholic interests in any violin music played with heart.
Ben loved working with wood, and over time moved from house carpentry to cabinetry to violin-making–from structures that shelter people to what holds their food and goods to that which houses their hearts, which fiddlers know only opens fully when someone pulls the bow over the string, to pry into and celebrate the mysteries of existence and the love that gives life and sustains us all.
There is a lot in Maine Fiddle Camp that is of Ben Guillemette, having touched my life and the lives of our founding staff in profound ways, guiding us all toward the savoring of every participant at every stage of their lives, musical or otherwise.
— Greg Boardman
I met Ben in 1975 when Uncle Lucien and I visited with him at his home in Sanford. Within minutes we had the fiddles out with Ben was giving me pointers, sharing tunes and telling really great stories. Ben and Lucien began joyfully needling each other about whatever subject offered the opportunity to do so. The fun lasted for the duration of the visit. This scenario was repeated every time I visited Ben and we soon became good friends and he became a mentor. On Saturdays as a young, newly married man, I would visit Ben at his cabinet shop in Alfred. He had a piano in a spare room and we would go in there to play music for a couple hours. He always took time to teach me some technical aspects of playing the fiddle. I like to think that Uncle Lucien taught me the tunes but Ben taught me how to play them.
Ben was quite the player. He was self taught. In the service he bunked with a classical violinist with whom he credited much of his knowledge about playing the violin. He played in a Bluegrass band for 13 years touring across Canada; he played on the Grand Old Opry in Nashville a few times, won many prestigious fiddle contest and the list goes on and on. He was very humble and rarely talked about his credentials.
Throughout the years Ben, Uncle Lucien and I along with our spouses and friends journeyed all over the North East playing concerts, attending fiddle contests and parties. Ben and his grandson Daniel were part of the first Maine French Fiddlers group who played Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and many other venues. The trips to these events are as memorable as the events themselves, or more so. Ben and Lucien once started a conversation during a van trip to Aroostook County about the difference between onions and scallions that lasted for hours! BTW it was unresolved! It was always fun!
No one loved the violin and violin music more than Ben. Right up to his passing he would call me with news about some player or tune he just heard, just as excited as he was in 1975. Ben lost his index finger on his left hand when he was in his eighties and taught himself to play with the other 3 fingers left. He was still making violins at age 95. When he wasn’t playing or making fiddles he was watching music on TV. He was a lifelong student of the music and was always eager to share his knowledge.
Ben was a devout Catholic with tremendous faith. He had a beautiful love for his family and taught his grandsons to play fiddle. He was married to Harriet for 69 years. She passed away 364 days before Ben and he told me last year “she was just as beautiful as she was when I met her”. His life was full of joy that was very contagious. I was truly blessed to have met Ben and he will be missed.
— Don Roy
Mother Marc’s Waltz, a favorite of Ben Guillemette
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It is our sad duty and honor to announce the passing of a long time Maine Fiddle Camp teacher and inspiration David Surette, whose family, music, and spirit were perfect examples of the kind of leadership that has made MFC the “nurturing while learning” community it is. There will be tributes to him occurring throughout the vast legion of friends, musicians, dancers, listeners, and family, so look for some offerings from us in the near future as we reflect on his influence. We will miss him greatly. All our loving best to Susie, Isa, Julianna, all veterans of MFC, as his spirit lives on through his music.
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An beginner march in the key of G introduced in 2021.
View Sheet Music
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A note from Greg Boardman: We would just like to tell you about the upcoming Maine Country Dance Fiddle Workshop this February 13, 2021. We are still negotiating for a hall in which to invite the first five registrants of each group, advanced, intermediate and beginner, to do the live portion of the workshop (wearing masks and keeping our distance, of course). Simultaneously, the entire workshop will go out on Zoom and thus involve as many folks as care to participate. [Read more…] about Maine Country Dance Fiddle Workshop, Feb 13, 2021
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Most Fiddle Campers know who Sylvia Miskoe is. She has been teaching piano accordion at Camp for a couple decades, a petite woman with blonde/grey/white hair walking through Camp with an accordion slung over her back. Sylvia loves traditional Scottish dance music and also New England traditional dance music and old time country dancing. [Read more…] about Interview with Sylivia Miskoe
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We will continue with a monthly, 3rd Saturday, Maestro Bistro concert featuring MFC staff members preceded by workshops presented by the same staff members. You can participate in two ways. First, you can watch the concert live streamed on YouTube or Facebook by going to the MFC YouTube channel here, or by going to the MFC FaceBook page. We are suggesting a $10 donation for the Maestro Bistro show only (donate here). The second way will be by registering for the full MB+ (register HERE!). This will allow you to take the workshops interactively via Zoom and join everyone in “the main tent” for socializing before and afterwards. Upon registration you will be given Zoom links to all 3 workshops as well as the “main tent”.. After the workshops you will be able to stay in the tent with other campers and interact while watching the show. When you register, you will be asked for a free-will donation of $25 to support our efforts.
Jeremiah McLane
Ed Pearlman
Isa Burke
The Ridée/Laridé represents a family of Breton dances from the Vannes region, along Brittany’s southern coast. They are characterized by arm movements which enable the dancers to stay in time together and with the music, unlike Breton dances that are defined primarily by the choreography of the foot movements. This workshop will focus on a suite of four Ridée 6 temps (‘six count’) melodies. Open to all instruments, intermediate to advanced.
This workshop will focus on learning a haunting, four-part, D minor reel called “Seann Truibhas Uilleachann” but will also discuss how that tune is related to three other tunes and a dance, which, because of their titles, came to be viewed as coded messages about the powers that be. One of the related tunes even caused a man to be brought to trial for asking a piper to play it while there was a minister present (the title of that version was directed against ministers). All levels are welcome to choose how they’d like to participate, whether to learn the tune or participate in the discussion. Sheet music and audio will be made available online.
I often like to think about the songwriting process in two distinct parts that require two very different approaches: writing and editing. It often helps to write freely without worrying about whether it’s perfect, or even good — you can save the worrying for the editing phase. In this workshop, we’ll start by exploring generative techniques and exercises designed to get you generating lots of ideas. Then, once we’ve got some raw material, we’ll switch into editing mode and talk about how to refine those ideas into a song. We’ll even look at some writing exercises that will get you writing while also making the editing process easier for your future self!
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Most of you know from FaceBook that long time MFC staff member, Kaity Newell’s, home in Damariscotta burned to the ground last week. Kaity is fine as are her dogs, cats, chickens, car and fiddle. Everything else is pretty much gone. There is a go fund me campaign started to help Kaity recover from this devastating loss, and you can find that here: www.gofundme.com/f/kaity-newell-fire-recovery I can’t say enough about how big a part Kaity has been in the traditional music scene in Maine for the last 40 years or so. Please help as much as you can!
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Those of you who registered for V-MFC all received a survey form to fill out. If you haven’t done that yet, please do, so we know what we did right and what we could improve on. We will definitely have more Maestro Bistros throughout the summer and there is talk about a “virtual winter MFC”, but no definite plans at this point. There are still “Camper Concert” Virtual Ensemble videos being processed and you can stay informed by watching the website and all news will be carried on the newsletter right here!! And of course, we are still hoping to get back to REAL “in person” live Maine Fiddle Camp in 2021. We will keep you informed right here!!
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Well… we ALL did it!! Virtual Maine Fiddle Camp is over and it was an unqualified success. There were close to 500 registered campers and well over 1000 who “stopped by.” (Many stayed!) I’d like to let you know about the “crew” who put this all together. This was unchartered territory, and starting approximately one month before the virtual camp, we pretty much made it up as we went. Some of the MFC staff had familiarity with Zoom meetings and other interactive online platforms. Others had knowledge of YouTube, and others yet were familiar with website design, etc. None had EVER done anything approaching the scope of Virtual Maine Fiddle Camp 2020, but we wanted to give it a try. Read on if you want to know who made this happen… [Read more…] about VIRTUAL MAINE FIDDLE CAMP IS THE BEST EVER!!!
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If you would like to participate in a virtual ensemble, the process is pretty simple. [Read more…] about How to Participate in a Virtual Ensemble
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Workshop from 10:30 to 11:30. Join at 10:00 to socialize and discuss the state of fiddling and life in general.
Please help us support Virtual Maine Fiddle Camp by making a donation. Click here to donate!
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The second Maestro e-Bistro is coming on Friday, May 26th at 6pm so mark your calendars! These dinnertime concerts from the staff of MFC are paired with a featured dish and special guest from the MFC kitchen. Enjoy the music while you have your meal and be sure to contribute to the conversation in the live chat. This installment will feature Ellen Gawler, Gordon Peery, Susie Burke and Dave Surette, AND a SSFG (Special Surprise Food Guest)!
The concert will be streaming on both the MFC Youtube channel and the Facebook group so head to one of those places at 6pm to join us for the show. Links to both:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MaineFiddleCamp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/149361975560/